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5 reasons why dancing is good for you


Hi everyone,

Many of you know that dancing is a great alternative to exercises but did you know about its other benefits? If you’re not sure why you should get up and dance today then definitely read the five facts below.

1. It’s an amazing cardio workout

Instead of hitting the gym, dancing can be a good way for you to keep fit and let’s face it – it’s also much more enjoyable than running on a treadmill. According to the recent research, dancing burns up to 400 calories per hour!

2. It’s good for your brain

If you are taking part in a dancing class this requires you to remember the choreography and coordinate your moves to the rhythm of the music. This effectively improves your memory and has a positive impact on your brain.

3. It’s fun

Dancing is definitely one of the most fun and social exercises you could ever do. It also helps to release the feel good hormones like serotonin and endorphins to make you feel better.

4. It improves your health

Besides improving your strength and muscle tone, dancing has also a lot of other benefits. It reduces stress and helps your heart and lungs work more effectively. It also has a big role in strengthening your bones.

5. It’s for everyone

Dancing is an ideal exercise for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and levels of physical activity. You also don’t need any special equipment to do it.

Now be honest, does this make you want to bust a few moves? That’s what I thought! Dancing is so good for you and has plenty of benefits. Why not to start now?

Until next time,

Klaudia Urbanska
Marsham Court Hotel

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